Found My Tail



Found my tail! It’s pretty sweet. If you don’t have one, you should seriously consider getting one. For a while, I thought I’d lost mine, and I could SWEAR it was a lot bigger the very first time I saw it, but there’s still enough left to wag when I’m happy, which makes my family go nuts. Mom calls it my “nubbin”, which is just a really weird word. Nubbin… Nubbin… Try saying it out loud. Weird, right? Anyway, now that I’ve learned how to wag it, I can use it to get out of trouble. You’ve got to keep a few of those tricks up your sleeve when you’re my age ‘cuz, you guys, there is SOOOO much stuff to chew, sniff, eat, bat around, and dig up Outside. Have you been there yet? Seriously, GO!! It’s HUGE, and it smells great! It’s even got dried-up worm jerky (YUM-O!) and rabbit poop (I’m so spoiled) to sniff out and eat. But don’t let your mom catch you eating the poop one ‘cuz she’ll start in on the whole Leave It thing. I know what that means now and usually just let it go but, guys, it’s SOOO good!

I’ve also learned how to go to the door when I need to go potty, but I won’t ring that stupid bell. It’s practically bigger than I am! Most things are, but that’s not the point at all. Most things don’t clang at me and threaten to bash my eardrums in if I brush up against them. Total B.S.! (Big Scary. What did you think it meant?) Anyway, Mom is super jazzed that I can tell her when I need to go out. And, man, does she freak out when do my business!

Dad and I are pretty tight. We hang out after supper and I take my evening nap in his lap. He’s pretty cool. Totally Good Cop. Last night, he let me learn how to climb the basement steps after my brother and Sister went to bed. I tumbled a little, but he was right there. Now I can do the whole set by myself if I know someone is with me. If they’re not, total B.S.

Not to sound too impressed with myself, but I also learned how to play by myself today. I guess Mom had lunch with my brother, which would be super cool, but she didn’t take me with her. Anyway, while she was gone, I figured out that my toys work even when no one else plays with me! I like that because Mom left a few times today but now I don’t really mind it as much. I just chillax in my digs until she comes back home. Sometimes, I even just go play by myself now even when she’s in the same room. She seems to like that. She moves around a whole lot and even goes into those “other” rooms that smell like my Brother and Sister. I don’t get to go in those unless they forget to close the door, which is pretty much my life’s ambition right now, but Mom ALWAYS catches me the second I step in there. (I’ve got to get rid of this bell on my collar!) Then, BOOM, the door shuts and I’m O-U-T. This kind of “outside” is not the same as Outside (which you really, really, really should totally do if your mom lets you!)

I pretty much love my Mom. She’s awesome most of the time. We snuggle and play and go Outside and she doesn’t get too mad when I eat earthworms or try to haul sticks bigger than my kennel. She’s pretty chill. But there’s one thing I really don’t like about her. I have to take this nasty medicine stuff every night and Dad cuddles me while Mom shoots this gross liquid stuff in my mouth. Totally Bad Cop. I so want to spit it back at her but she puts it super far back on my tongue and I have to swallow it. Uber gross!! But then she snuggles and cuddles me again so we’re good. I think last night I heard her say that Dad has to do the shooty part tonight so I don’t hate her. I could never hate her, but she’s a smart cookie; she KNOWS I’m not OK with the shooty stuff.

Mom talks a lot. I’m picking up her lingo pretty fast, though. I know Cricket (me!), Peanut (also me!), Come, Leave It, and Potty. She also says Sweet, Cute, Pumpkin, Snuggle, Baby and a few other things a lot. But none of those mean I have to do anything. But, when we do our morning snuggle, she gets quiet and I just curl up on her and listen to her heartbeat. That’s my favorite. Everybody here has one and I even have a mama dog that’s soft and squishy but doesn’t talk, and she has a heartbeat, too. It makes me feel so safe.

I’ve been here for a week now and I’m so glad Andrea let me come home with my new family. I love them so much!! My Dad the Good Cop, my brother the Quiet Playful One, my sister the Happy Playful One, and Mom. Good ol’ Mom

Ok, I’ve got to go play. Mom says it’s The Weekend again tomorrow. I hope that means my brother and sister will be home a lot. Talk to you later!


P.S. Seriously, GO OUTSIDE!!

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