Adorable, Right Up Until… The world is full of mundane things. Things to which no one gives a second glance. But when you make those tiresome things smaller, they become irresistibly adorable. Hot dogs, furniture, candy bars—all pretty boring. Mini franks, tiny chairs, and snack-size candy bars—all adorable. I even read today about mini-pigs becoming a big pet fad in the UK. And so it makes perfect sense that when you scale the world down to toddler-size, it becomes too cute for words.
Category: Blog
What’s in a Name? In April ’09, I sent an update to our family containing the following excerpt, which explains it all. It became the first post of a personal blog I continued to write while the kids were little called Rock, Paper…Diaper? Here is how it got it’s name. “I’ve been duped. Outwitted. Outplayed. Out-parented, even. Our daughter has been sleeping through the night for a while now. I don’t mind so much on the rare night she wakes up hungry/thirsty, but