I Ate a Mushroom – Whoopsie!
I ate a mushroom. Whoopsie! I strongly recommend against doing the same. If you’re mom catches you – and my mom ALWAYS catches me – she’ll make you go to Dr. Chris and Dr. Chris will make you upchuck. She gives you this nasty stuff that makes your tummy do somersaults and not the good kind. But that’s not even the worst part (though it is pretty bad, I’ll tell you that for free!) Then she’ll give you a shot to make you STOP upchucking. Really!! Totally not worth it.
Of course, I approached the whole thing all wrong. If I had known then what I know now, I’d have just taken a nibble so mom could still see what kind of mushroom I was trying and how much went in my tummy. Then maybe we wouldn’t have needed the whole upchuck routine. But I’m just a pipsqueak so they really couldn’t risk it. As it was, I just chomped the whole thing at once. All mom had was mushroom crumbles to try to piece together. Dr. Chris told her there was a decent amount of it in my puke so it was a good thing she brought me in. I feel a little bad making her go through my urp, though, ‘cuz that’s just nasty.
This time there was a big dog at Dr. Chris’s place. His name is Edgar and he’s a wire-haired something-or-other. I guess he really likes to hunt and he’s really good at it. I was a little worried that he would hunt me, but his dad said he just really likes little dogs. As far as I’m concerned, Edgar needs to chill out a bit and refine his social skills ‘cuz that was just a whole lotta “nope” for me. His big tongue was hanging out and he was a total mouth breather. I even barked and growled at him! Mom said I sounded ferocious, but then she giggled, so I’m not so sure she really meant it. Edgar didn’t seem too much bothered by it, but I felt better. A girl’s got to stand up for herself and make those boundaries clear!
Before Edgar and I left, this other small dog came out. He was about five times my size, but what mom still calls “small.” He had a cage on his mouth and he was all snarly and mad. I bet Edgar didn’t like him. I sure didn’t.
Ok, well, that’s all I’ve got. Remember, think through the mushroom thing. You won’t regret it. Bye for now.